The Strand Magazine A Deadly Dilemma (Romance) by Grant Allen.
The Strand Magazine A Deadly Dilemma (Romance) by Grant Allen.
Theatrical Knights (Drama) by Ben Henderson.
Artificial Intelligence Home Audience System (Comedy) by Ben Henderson.
The Strand Magazine The Mirror (Romance) by Léo Lespès.
The Devil’s often in the Detail (Crime & Mystery) by Ben Henderson.
Harriet’s Butterflies (Drama)
by Ben Henderson.
Half-Past Bedtime (Children)
by Sir Henry Howarth Bashford.
The Knightsbridge Mystery (Crime & Mystery) by Charles Reade.
The Lazarette of The Huntress (Crime & Mystery) by William Clark Russell.
The Secret of Goresthorpe Grange (Crime & Mystery) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
The Sire De Maletroit’s Door (Romance) by Robert Louis Stevenson.